We will be using arrays a lot so pay extra attention to these exercises. NOTE: this set of exercises begin where you left off, just after the word blanks exercise.
- Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
- Nest one Array within Another Array
- Access Array Data with Indexes
- Modify Array Data With Indexes
- Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes
- Manipulate Arrays With push()
- Manipulate Arrays With pop()
- Manipulate Arrays With shift()
- Manipulate Arrays With unshift()
- Shopping List
- Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions
- Passing Values to Functions with Arguments
- Global Scope and Functions
- Local Scope and Functions
- Global vs. Local Scope in Functions
- Return a Value from a Function with Return
- Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function
- Assignment with a Returned Value
- Stand in line.